********* Changelog ********* Versions ======== 2.7.3 ----- - fix: removed console.log calls (#176) - doc: documented how to release a new version 2.7.2 ----- - fix: 🐛 fix nominatim address search (#173) 2.7.1 ----- - fix: Remove reference to missing source map file (#168) 2.7.0 ----- **This is the last version to support Python 2.7** - feat: Upgraded to leaflet 1.9.3 `PR `_ - chore: New CI setup using GitHub Actions - chore: Codebase now is formatted with black and isort 2.1.1 ----- - Fixed initial map rendering #84 2.0.0 ----- - Added support to multiple map providers (Google, Mapbox, OpenStreetMap) - Refactored the Javascript code to use `Leaflet.js `_ Upgrading ========= From 1.x to 2.x --------------- Backward incompatible changes """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" - Form fields no longer accepts the ``default`` parameter. If you are using them directly, without the model field, you have to replace the ``default`` parameter by the well known standard parameter ``initial``. - The ``based_fields`` parameter of model fields now only expects field names as strings and not field instances.